{To celebrate Moonlight Masquerade, we’re running a special week-long contest. Through Friday, March 22, we’ll feature Regency quiz questions at the end of each post. To enter the contest, you’ll need to correctly answer the questions in the comment section below. For every correct answer, your name will be added into the drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card . There will be five questions in all, which means your name can be entered up to five times (if you get all five questions right). The deadline to answer ALL CONTEST QUESTIONS will be Saturday, March 23 at midnight.}

 A Wealth of Biblical Themes

Moonlight Masquerade, a new release by Ruth Axtell, bursts with meaningful themes. The story is imbued with scriptural parallels there for the discerning reader’s delectation.

Hero Rees and heroine Celine are drawn to each other from the start of their acquaintance. The secrets each holds, and the role each plays bar the way to true intimacy, calling to mind the eternal verity held in 1 Corinthians 13:12 ~

For now we see in a mirror dimly,

but then face to face.

Now I know in part; then I shall know fully,

even as I have been fully known.

Desires must be banked and yearnings deferred. Their path to love’s fulfillment can’t be seen clearly due to earthly encumbrances.

Without giving a plot spoiler, I can say the dichotomy existing between the two lead characters, both spies with different loyalties and purposes, drives the plot along in compelling fashion. One spy, Rees, is subject to the governing authorities (Romans 13:1) and the biblical understanding is that our authority figures have been instituted by God. He is employed by the British government, and works for advancement, not for his own glory, but to support his family. A strong Christian, Rees still struggles with the deceitful nature of his espionage assignment.

Celine, on the other hand, is idealistic, works with an underground movement and believes only a democratic government in her homeland will bring peace to her beloved country and satisfaction to her soul. Throughout the course of the story, these two complex characters’ motives collide, with hero Rees emerging as a strong leader, a righteous man, and a man not afraid to pursue the woman he loves.

The simmering tensions, and the attractive characters, set in the turbulent latter days of Napoleon’s reign, all combine for a satisfying and thought-provoking Regency read.

Author Ruth Axtell and I (humble blogger Susan Karsten) have each selected our choices for the actors we would suggest to play these evocative lovers on the silver screen. Ruth chose Matt Bomer & Jennifer Garner, and Susan chose Russell Crowe & Emma Watson.


Just for fun, Please comment with your choices: Ruth’s actors, or mine. Thanks!

Quiz Question for prize: Who was made the leader of France after Napoleon abdicated?

a) Louis XVI

b) Louis XVII

c) Louis XVIII

d) Charles X



Originally posted 2013-03-22 10:00:00.

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