Looks What’s Brewing in the Regency

  • Celebrate London!
    George VI spoke those words in a broadcast on September 23, 1940, during the London Blitz, but are they not as true today? I wish I were in London today to stand with Londoners, resolute and undismayed. On Saturday night, … Continue reading
  • Greetings and Gestures in Austen’s Novels, by Rachel Dodge
    Understanding the subtle nuances behind formal introductions and customary greetings during Jane Austen’s lifetime is a lot of fun, and it can provide a unique level of insight into her books. The reason: Austen uses breaches of etiquette and manners as commentaries on her characters. In her book Those Elegant Decorums, Jane Nardin says, “In […]

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Originally posted 2017-06-15 06:21:50.