While Merry is entertaining herself with the adventures of Nicholas and Emily, the rest of us can have some fun of our own.
I found these really fun links from Deviant Art. It’s virtual Regency paper dolls. The time I spent playing around on this site could be why this post is late this morning… oh well.
Here’s the Regency couple I made:
Aren’t they adorable?
You can make your own Regency couple at the links below.
Unfortunately there isn’t a way to post pictures in the comments, but if you make a character and post it elsewhere (Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, Tumblr, etc.), please leave the link below. We’d love to see them!
Technical Directions for saving the picture:
On a PC running Windows 7 or higher, go to the Start menu and search for the “Snipping Tool”. Select new and drag a square around your picture. Then save it.
I don’t have a Mac, but the internet says you can do something similar in OSX by pressing command + shift + 4.
If these methods don’t work for you, search the internet for how to do a screen capture on your operating system. If you end up with the entire screen, you can go to pic monkey to crop it. (Select edit, load your picture, then select crop. Save your picture to your computer.)
Originally posted 2015-03-02 10:25:17.