Madeline’s Protector by Regency Reflections’s own Vanessa Riley. To help celebrate this new novel, we’ve included giveaways with every post over the past week and held one giant, week-long contest for a Nook ereader. Well, we have winners! And I’m very excited to share them with everyone.
The winner of a brand new Nook is . . .
Michelle Griep!
Michelle visited our Regency Reflections on the very first day of the contest and answered the question of what suitor you would pick for your daughter if you were a Regency mother. Congratulations, Michelle! We wish you lots of enjoyable hours of reading time on your new Nook!
Our other daily winners are as follows:
$10 Starbuck’s gift card – Nancy
iTune card – Teela
$10 Amazon gift certificate – Piper
Paperback copy of Madeline’s Protector – Jackie Layton
Congratulations to all our winners, and a special thanks to everyone who stopped by to help us celebrate the release of Madeline’s Protector!
And now, in case you’re wondering about the thought-provoking questions we asked at the end of each post. Here’s a list of the questions and the most popular answers.
Friday, April 26: If you were a Regency Mama, which suitor would you pick for your marriageable daughter and why:The son of a family friend, a titled reformed rake, a wealthy gentleman looking for a 2nd wife?
The most popular answer was: The son of a family friend. Most of the commentors liked being familiar with the suitors family and background before giving their daughters over in marriage to our imaginary man.
Monday, April 29: If you lived during the Regency and found yourself in a dire circumstance would you:
A. Do everything possible to save yourself, not caring of any possible ramifications.
B. Do everything possible, but you would worry about potential scandals or compromise.
C. Risk everything to a point. Your family name and position could not be threatened.
The most popular answer was B. Most commentors would do everything possible, but still be conscientious about scandals.
Wednesday, May 1: What got you interested in the Regency time period?
The most popular answer was: Pride and Prejudice, either one of the movies or the book or a combination of the two.
Friday, May 3: Have you ever had your purse snatched? And if so, did you give chase?
The most popular answer was: No, most people have not had their purses taken (though a few have). And no, most people did not think they would give chase, even if their purses were stolen.
Thanks again for stopping by and enjoying our week-long celebration of Madeline’s Protector. We hope to see each and every one of you back again sometime over the coming weeks!
Originally posted 2013-05-06 10:00:00.