Inspirational Regencies Represent!
The Romance Writers of America had their annual awards ceremony this past weekend. Inspirational Regencies were well-represented when our very own Kristi Ann Hunter won the Golden Heart award for unpublished Inspirational manuscripts. You can check out the other winners, including the Rita for best published Inspirational romance at the RWA website.
Here a Book, There a Book, Everywhere a new Book!
In addition to her anticipated Regency (coming out in August!), Camy Tang just released a contemporary romantic suspense in an anthology titled Sealed With a Kiss. She’s also busy working on two series for next year: a romantic suspense and a regency set.
Speaking of August releases, keep an eye out for Vanessa Riley’s new Regency tale: Swept Away.
Ruth Axtell has stepped a few years past our beloved Regency to delve into the equally stunning Victorian world. Her novelette, Victorian Spring, is available now and the start to a fabulous new series.
Friend of the blog, Kristy Cambron released the first book in her WWII series. The second one comes out in April.
And a Crazy, Wonderful Life It Is
In addition to sending books out through her agent the hopefully-soon-to-be-published Susan Karsten is super busy. A son getting married, two girls headed off to college, and a 25th anniversary to celebrate make for a full and wonderful life!
Laurie Alice Eakes recently returned from the RWA conference.
What about you? We’d love to know what’s going on in your life!
Originally posted 2014-07-28 10:00:00.
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