To kick things off, Laurie Alice is hosting a special contest. It starts today and runs through midnight on Sunday, May 4. To enter the giveaway, answer the question at the end of the blog post. A new question will be given with each post, so a person can enter up to four times. At the end of the contest, there will be two winners chosen, and the prizes are from Cornwall, England, where A Lady’s Honor is set. The winners will receive:
1. Either a Celtic knot necklace,
2. Or a hand blown Cornish ring dish.
3. Both winners will also receive a $15.00 gift card to either Barnes and Noble or Amazon.
Now here’s a little more about the book:
A tarnished reputation. A distant home. A forced engagement to a dangerous man. When Elizabeth Trelawny flees London, she has more than one reason to run. And when her carriage, pursued by her would-be fiancé, is caught in a storm, she quickly accepts the help of a dark stranger. Anything to get back to Cornwall.
Rowan Curnow is not exactly a stranger. Not quite a gentleman either, class disparity once kept him from courting Elizabeth . . . even if it didn’t keep him from kissing her.
The couple elude their pursuers and reach Bastian Point, Elizabeth’s future inheritance and the one place she calls home. But in the very act of spiriting her to safety, Rowan has jeopardized Elizabeth’s inheritance—if her Grandfather ever learns she spent the night, however innocently, in the company of a man.
When smugglers unite the pair in a reckless, flirtatious alliance—an alliance that challenges the social norms that Elizabeth has been raised to revere and rattles Rowan’s fledgling faith in God—Elizabeth must choose between the obedience of a child and the desires of a woman: whether to cling to the safety of her family home or follow the man she loves.
A Lady’s Honor received 4 1/2 stars from The Romantic Times, which said, “Beautiful 19th century Cornwall offers a contemplative setting for this dramatic romance that involves murder, suspense and a surprise villain. Elizabeth and Rowan are both on a journey to discover that they are worthy of love.”
And Publisher’s Weekly stated, “Eakes delivers beautifully written romantic suspense set in Cornwall during the Regency era.”
As I’ve personally come to expect from Laurie Alice Eakes, the suspense in A Lady’s Honor is riveting, and you can’t help sympathizing with Elizabeth’s plight right from the beginning. You certainly won’t find me complaining about the American hero either. Furthermore, the Cornish setting is beautiful and seems like a breath of fresh air when compared to the endless Regency books set in London.
Today’s quiz question: A Lady’s Honor is set in the romantically beautiful and wild county of Cornwall, England. I’ve wanted to go there since I read my first book set in that remote county. Have you ever visited or wanted to visit a setting for a book you loved?
Be sure to come back Thursday for a post about the history surrounding A Lady’s Honor and another chance to win.
Originally posted 2014-04-21 05:00:00.
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