At Regency Reflections, we love stories as much as you do. We asked our authors what books they were currently reading.
Vanessa Riley
I read in spurts. So the most recent was Reluctant Courtship. An Heiress at Heart, and 128 Bible stories.
Naomi Rawlings
A Bride for Keeps by Melissa Jagears and A Reluctant Courtship by Laurie Alice Eakes. 🙂
Susan Karsten
I just read “The Aftermath”, and am now reading “The Outcasts” — both ABA. The first was about post WWII Hamburg, Germany, the latter is a western which feels a lot like the movie remake of True Grit. Both are good reads, but as usual, gratuitous, unnecessary sexual references are sprinkled amidst great characterization and plot. So un-needed.
Camy Tang
Trouble in Store by Carol Cox. It’s the book of the month reading at Christian Fiction Devourers on Goodreads. Super cute story so far!
Laurie Alice Eakes
I just finished reading Poetic Justice, a traditional Regency by Alicia Rasley. Well-written and clever.Now I’m reading a cozy mystery I just started and honestly don’t recall the name of.
Kristi Ann Hunter
I’m in the middle of Laurie Alice’s Reluctant Courtship. (Yea! Can’t wait to share more about that in a the coming weeks.) I recently finished Rich In Love by Lindi Peterson, a fun contemporary Christian romance.
What are you reading right now?
Originally posted 2013-10-07 10:00:00.
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