Laurie Alice’s new series is currently titled Strangers at Bonython and follows the romantic adventures of three cousins that are all after the same prize. Mark your calendars! This series is tentatively scheduled to release in the spring of 2014.
It is no surprise that Laurie Alice has won the National Readers Choice Award for Regency. If you have ever read one of her novels, then you already know of her amazing ability to immerse readers into the Regency world and charm them with vivid characters and exciting plots.
Recently I asked Laurie Alice if there was a particular Bible verse that encouraged her throughout her writing career, and she told me that her “career verse” is 1 Thessalonians 5:11 – “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” (NIV)
“This verse is my career verse for three reasons,” said Laurie Alice. “First of all, I want to encourage readers who are already believers to be strong and to grow in their faith despite life’s trials. Next, I wish to encourage seekers that the love, forgiveness, and truth of the Lord is real and worth the sacrifice of self. Last, but not least, I wish to encourage others to follow their dreams and let the Lord guide them. I never thought I would sell one book, let alone seventeen.”
Laurie Alice’s dedication to the inspirational Regency genre is not only evident in her writing, but in her willingness to help other writers grow and develop their craft as well.
“Laurie Alice has been a great help and encouragement to me, both personally and professionally,” said Naomi Rawlings, a fellow historical inspirational romance author and Regency Reflections blogger. “She’s always full of historical information and able to point you to the sources you’re looking for, and she has such an amazing willingness to help teach other writers. I praise the Lord for the encouragement she’s been, and I’m so thrilled to see her able to publish another series of Regency novels.”
If you can’t wait until Spring 2014 for a good dose of Laurie Alice’s regency stories, you are in luck … her next Regency, Flight of Fancy, releases in October. Want to read one of her books right now? Then be sure to check out A Necessary Deception.
Join us as we celebrate with Laurie Alice!!
Originally posted 2012-09-14 01:00:00.
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