Kristy L. Cambron
Not surprising, my main hobbies center around what I have time for in a packed schedule: chasing after our young boys, belting out off-key worship songs in my car before I get to the office, and of course, writing.
Maybe lesser known is our family’s struggle with asthma. Our two older sons have endured hospital admissions and seemingly endless urgent care visits since six months old. Now that they understand what asthma is, we try to get them involved with a community that focuses on well-being. We’ve walked in the American Lung Association Asthma Walks for a number of years and though not exactly a hobby, we are passionate about research to cure childhood lung disease and to live a healthy lifestyle.
Naomi Rawlings
My hobby is hiking. There’s lots of lovely trails around Lake Superior, so we don’t have to go far at all.
Ruth Axtell
My hobby is gardening, both vegetable and flower. I love getting out there and grubbing in the dirt! I always have more vegetables that I, or my family can use, so I’ve been taking extra stuff to church, putting a box out back for anyone to take if they wish after the service. If I’m in town on the day the food pantry is open, then I donate fresh vegetables there.
Susan Karsten
This question sparked me to realize I have hobbies, interests and passions!

I consider the hobbies to be the tangible skill-based activities. Using this classification system, sewing and quilting have got to be my top hobby. I like sewing and have since around age eight. I made my first quilt in my teens, then stopped and started up again in my late twenties. With my sewing, I am able to mend things for people, and I make and give away baby bibs, often combining re-purposed fabric with new. I also do light alterations for my friends. I make and give baby quilts to each new baby in my life — at church, in my friend circle, or within my family. It’s so inspiring to see the excitement on the recipients’ faces. For some, it’s the only hand-made quilt they’ve ever owned. My nieces and nephews (and my own kids) have kept their quilts from me on their beds into their teen years. And that warms my heart and encourages me to persevere.
Laurie Alice Eakes

I knit and crochet. I’m not terribly good at either, and it keeps my hands busy while I read. I have given some of my better projects as gifts—prayer shawls and baby afghans—and I made an afghan for my husband the first Christmas when we were dating. Usually, I get bored with the project and give it up, so now I’m working on my first complex project, having decided that the reason I get bored is I haven’t challenged my ability enough.
Kristi Ann Hunter
Hobby… hobby… that’s what you do during free time, right? 🙂 My “killing time” hobbies include playing computer and Wii games, reading, and messing around on social media stuff like Pinterest. Television is probably my main unwinding activity since my husband and I watch it together.
I don’t get to spend a lot of time on those things because my passions take up whatever time isn’t dedicated to caring for my family. Building my career as a writer and speaker as well as supporting and volunteering alongside my husband in his youth ministry gets me excited and fills most of my free time. I guess those are as close to a hobby as I have.
What’s your hobby?
Let us know in the comments!
Originally posted 2013-05-15 10:00:00.
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